With social media its growth can be phenomenal, it is something that is just too easy to do. It is joyless and polarising. Innocents get caught up in the generalisations of the blamers. Fragmenting us into ever smaller antagonistic groups, blaming and being blamed. Can we all agree not to indulge in this socially destructive activity?
Even in law blame is pernicious. Blatant acts must be held accountable. But the idea of an accident no longer exists, someone must be held accountable even when there was no intent to cause harm.
In news and social media, every perceived error must be named, blamed and shamed, with heartless ferocity and never forgiven.
Let's just cool it. Not one of us is perfect, we will all say or do things that we later regret.
Life is not a rehearsal.
If we do what we always do, we will get what we always get,
so let's do something different.
Learn from failure and don't be afraid to fail.
Throw caution to the wind.
Eat drink and be merry,
for tomorrow we may die, - and we are a long time dead.
We won a cosmic lottery at birth.
So ignore the worrywarts and their petty concerns
Be nice to everyone, be mindful and LIVE LIFE NOW!